April 6, 2009


This stuff is amazing! My face has been so broken out lately, so in an attempt to fix it I went to Walgreen's. I had researched all this stuff online right before I went, and when I got there they didn't have any of it. Queen Helene's Mint-Julep Masque was on sale (2 for $3.47) and because I have an obsession with mint smelling/flavored/cooling stuff, I decided to get it.

It works miracles. I have been using it twice a day for the past two days and my face is incredibly clearer. Not to mention, this stuff smells WONDERFUL! Anyway, for anyone needing a clear complexion fast, this is my new favorite product.

January 7, 2009

it's a new year and i've got new goals.

1. develop a more intimate relationship with my saviour.
2. graduate college.
3. be healthy.
  • eat well.
  • start a new exercise routine.
  • find a road bike.
4. get smart.
  • listen more.
  • talk less.
  • think before i speak.
5. save a lot of money.
  • only spend on things i need.
6. spend a lot of time with my dad.
7. score an internship at the national institute of health in maryland.
8. be more philanthropic.
9. train to participate in a triathlon by 2010.