October 15, 2008

Just an opinion.

Gov. Sarah Palin is a complete neophyte who burst onto the national scene a mere six weeks ago. Her enthusiastic reception by social conservatives and less educated Republicans is alarming in light of her lack of preparation for national office. Her meteoric rise to fame marks the abandonment of political process for celebrity worship. Here is a woman whose pregnant teenage daughter is about to marry a foul-mouthed (self-proclaimed) drug user, while Palin is held up as an all-American mom; whose secessionist husband (member of Alaska's Indenpendence Party who threatened to secede from the Union a few years back) joined her in abuse of official power, while she is held up as a paragon of patriotism, whose ignorance of history and law is looked upon as irrelevant and refreshing. How can this suspension of disbelief last longer than the length of a bad movie? Whether or not her candidacy is successful we must ask how this pretender has been promoted so effectively by the cynical McCain campaign managers. The future of this nation is at stake and too many of our fellow citizens cannot see the danger in her potential rise to the highest office in the land. It is truly frightening.

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